The symbol of "Varzi Viva" is after a sculpture
in the Capuchin Friars’ romanesque church
Our date of birth: "Varzi Viva" was set up in 1994.
Our aims:
operate for the
rescue, upkeeping and enhancement of the cultural heritage of Lombardy and particularly of
the Varzi area and its surroundings, utilizing volunteering as a means of social
solidarity able to promote and develop the human nature, volunteering being considered a
means of educating and making citizens aware of questions relating to the history and
culture of the territory they live in;
promote and
organize lectures, exhibitions and other cultural and artistic events, as well as meetings
aiming at planning and developing interventions and activities of the association and make
its initiatives well known; set up relations with public bodies and istitutions and other
associations even if having other goals but political and party linked; publish
bibliographical literature and booklets illustrating the activities carried out by the
association; establish a data bank of all works of arts and important documents held by
private individuals as well as by public bodies;
launch awareness
campaigns inspired by a concept of preserving memories and of knowledge which may be both
a cult of the past and a shaping of the future; operate for the protection of the
environment and nature; co-operate with other institutions and associations for the
safeguarding and the education to a proper enjoyment of the cultural, historical, natural
riches of Lombardy, considered as a precious heritage to be transferred to future
generations; act for the protection of the rights of the individual, developing actions
both for the prevention and the handling of difficult situations.
A few events organized by us:
performance of plays in Varzi dialect;
cultural-ecological trips to castles and churches of the surroundings;
opening of the Witches' Tower (Malaspina Castle);
open air classical music concerts, operas and light operas;
sacred music concerts in the Capuchin Friars' Church;
Christmas concerts in the Parish church;
cleaning of the bed of the Stàffora river;
exhibition "Old shops";
cultural excursions to Italian cities;
Per year membership fee: €
10,00 (ordinary member), € 15,00 (supporting member), € 25,00
(beneficial member), € 50,00 (extraordinary member).
How to subscribe:
send a non transferable bank cheque in Lit. or a postal money order to "Varzi
Viva", Via Di Dentro 1, 27057 Varzi, Italy.
New subscriptions
and renewals can be effected either at the Association's office or at the stationery
book-shop "Cartoleria Deglialberti Silvana", via Pietro Mazza 7, 27057 Varzi,
tel. 0383.52690, having an agreement with "Varzi Viva".
Pietro Marchetti